Zombie Frogs

Formed in the Fall of 2012, Zombie Frogs is an Instrumental Progressive Metal Band based out of the Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. The group is heavily influenced by prog giants such as Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, and Devin Townsend, but at the same time possesses its own unique sound and style. Their music fuses progressive roots with melodic technicality and poly-metric insanity. Sam is the founder and guitarist of Zombie Frogs.

Primate Parkway

It originally started as a joke, I saw a video on youtube showing you “how to write an indie rock song in 5 minutes” after watching the video I decided to try writhing my own song following their outline. Their outline was never supposed to be taken seriously but I thought it could be fun to try, this ended up in a 4 song EP called Primate Parkway. All music was written and recorded by Sam.